Teach & Serve | Vol. 6 | No. 1 – Playlist 2020-2021

the playlist tradition continues. My specific criterion for selection: songs that make the playlist give me all the feels and/or the lyrics of the song resonate with me. Overall, the selections move me, inspire me and send me. They send me into a new year on the most positive of notes… pun intended.

Putting together a “mixtape” to celebrate the start of a new academic year is tradition. Years ago, my good friend and educational leader Sean Gaillard (author of The Pepper Effect – great reading for any and all Beatles fans and educators!) introduced me to the idea of #OneSong which developed into the idea of a mixtape which morphed into the concept of a playlist. For the last few years, I have put together a playlist to lead me with energy, optimism and enthusiasm into the upcoming school year.

This year, the tradition continues. My specific criterion for selection: songs that make the playlist give me all the feels and/or the lyrics of the song resonate with me. Overall, the selections move me, inspire me and send me. They send me into a new year on the most positive of notes… pun intended.

This year, with the challenges facing administrators and educators across the world as we make decisions for our schools, our students and our communities, the themes of the songs on this playlist have clearly been influenced by the events and challenges of the last months. This is not a bad thing, just a thing.

I’ll be listening to this list all year… And, if you want to join me, HERE is my playlist!

What other message could we need for our world right now? I can’t think of another.

We all need to reach for higher ground. We all need to be aspirational. We all need to inspire… This Stevie Wonder song can make us feel like we can make it happen. Spoiler alert: we can.

Over the course of the quarantine, I listened (with my daughter) to Lake Street Dive for the first time and while this song is, perhaps, not my favorite of theirs (I really like the cover of Hall and Oates’ Rich Girl), this song really fits this time period. And my pony tail.

As we proceed through this year, the manta “steady as she goes” will be critical.

“Slow down you crazy child…” is the command that begins this underrated song by Billy Joel and that idea of taking a breath is powerful, right here and right now in our world. Each decision we make this year as educators is going to come at us very, very fast. We have to and would be well served to slow it all down.

They say nothing worth having comes easily. I have a feeling this year, no matter how we as educators and administrators try to negotiate these days and weeks, none of it will come easy. I don’t know about my colleagues, but I feel like I’ve already paid enough dues…

Just as I was last year, I am all but overwhelmed by My Shot. This powerful anthem continues to speak powerfully to the idea that we must seize the moments that can change our lives. This is a good mantra for us and for our students. Rise up, indeed. Especially now.

Another Hamilton song that features the important message that each moment, each step, each time could be our last. Sometimes we have to let go, say goodbye and know that we are doing things one last time. Such a critical message. None of us is bigger than the work. None. This song is a holdover. We’ll see if it makes it 3 years in a row next year…

We will make 1000 decisions as administrators and teachers this year and many of us (myself included) will push each and every one of those to be perfect decisions. We will want to only make decisions with which everyone agrees and behind which everyone can stand. It won’t happen. When we make decisions, we also can make mistakes. That is okay provided we give ourselves the chance to get it right next time.

What are you listening to this fall?

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