Teach and Serve | Vol. 10, No. 26 | Prepare for the Boom | January 29, 2025

We cannot always predict when or how the boom will come.

Schools are complex organizations in which the life experiences of hundreds of people are intertwined daily. Those experiences go far beyond what is happening on any field, stage, office, court, or classroom. Staff and students bring their lives into the school – what is going well, what is going poorly, what is making them happy, and what is making them sad. They bring the events of each night and each morning to the school. They bring hundreds of thousands of circumstances along with them.

In addition to the personal experiences and emotions everyone carries, schools are also influenced by a myriad of external factors. Weather can disrupt schedules, politics can shape the curriculum, and societal issues can permeate classroom discussions. These external forces, combined with the individual lives within the school, create a dynamic and often unpredictable environment.

In my time in schools, I have personally encountered circumstances as varied as the Olympic success of a student athlete, the 9-11 attacks, many state championships in sports, deaths of students, family members, staff, snow and cold and heat issues, physical plant difficulties, internet outages, power disruptions, COVID, floods, senior pranks, and so very much more. Each of these events were explosive to the normal functioning of the school. Each can be considered a “boom,” a moment when complexities and external pressures come to a head, creating a significant impact. It is essential for schools to be prepared for these booms, to get to the right of the boom and to be prepared for the aftermath of such events, ensuring that we are ready to respond and adapt effectively.

In order to do so, students and staff need to develop resilience. This means creating a school culture that encourages open communication, support networks, and mental health resources. Schools must have comprehensive plans in place for a range of scenarios, from severe weather to political upheavals. Importantly  and perhaps most challengingly, schools should develop flexibility in adapting to less predictable challenges. To support this, regular training and professional development for staff are crucial. Educators should be equipped with the skills to manage not just their classrooms, but also the broader social and emotional needs of their students. Building strong relationships with parents, local organizations, and community leaders can provide additional support and resources. Engaged communities are more likely to rally together in times of crisis and those crises will come. After any significant event, schools should take the time to debrief and assess what worked, what did not, and how to improve for the future.

We cannot always predict when or how the boom will come, but we can prepare ourselves to handle its impact with grace and effectiveness.

As educational leaders, our goal is to create an environment where every student and staff member feels supported, no matter what life throws at them. By being to the right of the boom, we ensure that we are not just reacting to crises, but actively preparing for and mitigating their effects. Knowing the boom is coming and preparing for it is part of serving our students well in an ever-changing world.

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