Teach and Serve | Vol. 9, No. 39 | Bring the Funny | May 15, 2024

You know what they forgot? They forgot to bring the funny.

There is a wonderful moment in the terrific show The West Wing when speech writers Sam Seaborn and Toby Ziegler are developing material for the President of the United States to deliver at the Annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. These comments are intended to showcase the President’s lighthearted relationship with the Fourth Estate and are supposed to engage, amuse and challenge.

It is not going well for these fictional writers.

As they review their work, Sam says to Toby: “You know what they forgot? They forgot to bring the funny.”

Not every leader is funny. Not every leader has the ability to make light of situations. Not every leader can readily make people laugh. But every leader should consider leaning into lighthearted moments. Every leader should consider creating lighthearted moments. Bringing the funny tends to put people at ease.

Leaders should not forget to bring the funny (especially as the end of the year is SO CLOSE). The ability to make people laugh and to release the tensions of challenging situations should not be underrated. 

The work we do can feel relentless. Lightening things up is a welcome relief for those we lead. 

Bring. The. Funny.

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