Teach and Serve | Vol. 10, No. 1 | Once More unto the Breach | August 7, 2024

Doing some truly rough math (the only math I know how to do), I am confident in saying that I have written over 500 posts about education over the past nine years.

This post officially begins the 10th year of the Teach and Serve blog. 

Paradoxically, it feels like I have been doing this forever while I cannot believe that 10 years have already passed.

Time. It does fly.

Over the course of this past decade – which began with me working at the Jesuit Schools Network, saw me, for various reasons both wonderful and painful, move to Mullen High School, to KIPP’s Northeast Denver Leadership Academy and, finally, to Xavier College Preparatory High School – I have posted a blog almost every week of the academic year. I chose Wednesdays as the days my blog would post, likely because I thought the middle of the week gave me two days to remember to post, also likely because Wednesdays have traditionally been the days that new comic books are published. Anyone with passing familiarity with me or with Teach Boldly knows that comic books are a rather big part of my life. For the majority of these 10 years, I have posted once a week on Teach Boldly. For some years, I chose to write companion pieces every-other-Thursday focusing on a specific theme. There have been some repeated posts, some reworked posts, and some posts wherein I simply plagiarized myself.

Doing some truly rough math (the only math I know how to do), I am confident in saying that I have written over 500 posts about education over the past nine years.


That is a lot of posts and leaves me with the question: what more do I have to say?

I am not entirely sure, but, this past summer, I made the determination to give this one more whirl. 10 is such a nice number. 

Welcome, then, to the 10th year of Teach and Serve. How much I have left to say that I have not already said remains to be seen. Whether any of what is to come is relevant or interesting is surely up to you, Dear Reader (and thank you for reading!).

Here is what I know about this 10th year: 

  • I am going to be dedicated to publishing new material weekly,
  • I have already mapped out the entirety of the year’s posts,
  • I am going to give my honest opinions about the state of many things in education,
  • I am going to try to get more people to read the blog (YOU can help – please share with friends!),
  • and this might be the last year of Teach and Serve. We will see.

So, here we go. Once more unto the breach. One more time.

I am looking forward to it. I hope you are, too.

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